Private training for you and your dog.
I offer private training for you and your dog or puppy. In addition, I offer consultations for common behavior issues such as reactivity, poor impulse control, fear and nervousness, jumping, pulling on the leash, etc.
Together we develop a training plan that fits your lifestyle and progresses at you and your dog’s pace. Included are helpful handouts, video and a follow up to answer questions, address concerns and help you stay on track to meet your goals.
Some of the services offered to my clients.

Puppy Manners & More
Fun, positive and effective training for you and your puppy! Get your questions answered and learn some new skills. All training is done using a kind and humane approach.
Puppy training can begin as early as 10 weeks. Your lesson includes information on house training, crate training, enrichment activities, cooperative care tips and information on socialization. Basic cues such as Sit, Down, Recalls, safety and impulse control training cues such as Leave It and Drop will be covered too.
Basic Pet Manners
Set your dog up for success with one-on-one training offered in the comfort of your home or other locations as desired.
This type of training is for dogs of any age. We will work on the basic foundation skills which will help you enjoy a polite pup. We will work on Sit, Down, Stay, Loose Leash Walking and going to Place. We will also discuss fear free cooperative care techniques that will aide in grooming and vet visits. In addition to a well behaved and confident companion you will learn how to utilize positive reinforcement in your daily life with your dog.
Behavior Consultation
Fear, Anxiety, Reactivity & Other Issues
Most dogs experience some form of the above, be it mild or severe. Helping you and your companion to address and understand this issue is why I advanced my education to include applied animal behavior, Michael Shikashio’s Aggression in Dogs Master Course, numerous courses on enrichment and separation issues. It’s not always about teaching behavior and that’s what makes me a little different from other trainers. If you have a specific behavior concern or question, please contact me. We can discuss the issue. Then we can develop a plan to help you and your pet gain relief from stressful behaviors in a friendly and humane manner.
Cooperative Care, Enrichment Activities, CGC & Nosework
Need guidance on how to help your dog become comfortable with Veterinary visits, nail trims or muzzle training? Want to learn some new tricks or how to find scent? Perhaps you want to train for therapy work or to pass the Canine Good Citizen test? I can offer you guidance and suggestions for all of the above that will build confidence at both ends of the leash.
Our Dogs’ World Has Changed…
Over the last half century dogs’ lives have changed dramatically. Depending on your location it can mean that the dog’s environment can be chaotic or very quiet. Each dog and breed has different needs which can conflict with their current environment.
While the love we share for dogs has grown our expectations have changed significantly. Many dogs end up in situations that are beyond their coping capabilities.
We need to provide our dogs with the tools needed to navigate our world in a way that is not overwhelming to them.
Too many dogs are being relinquished, labeled bad or unmanageable simply because they don’t have the tools needed to confidently exist in our busy world.
Many times, training fails because people expect too much of the animal and too little of themselves. Education is the solution.
I look at the total picture which includes your dog’s health, movements, activities, routine, enrichment and play patterns. I also listen to your needs, desires and goals for your life with your dog.
I help people communicate with their dog, shape desirable behaviors and start new behavior patterns leading to new habits.